Urge These Companies to Stop Promoting the Cruel Running of the Bulls

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Every July, there’s a disgusting and dangerous event at the San Fermín festival in Pamplona, Spain, called the Running of the Bulls. What many tourists don’t realize is that the bulls they see running through the narrow streets of Pamplona are later stabbed to death. People torment and kill at least 60 bulls throughout the event—yet some travel companies are still selling tickets for this bloodbath. 😡

Here’s a rundown of the event: Every morning, people launch a rocket to whip the bulls into a panic so they’ll start charging through the streets, which are lined with screaming tourists. The terrified bulls frequently fall, smash into walls, and get hit by tourists, leaving the animals with broken bones and other painful injuries. The violent atmosphere doesn’t threaten only the bulls—many women have reported being sexually assaulted during this toxic event.

Later in the day, the bulls are forced into the ring, where they’re stabbed multiple times with spears, harpoons, swords, and a dagger. Often, they’re left paralyzed but still conscious as their ears and tail are sliced off and given as trophies to the matador (Spanish for “killer”).

Bulls are social animals with emotions and unique personalities. If the practice of putting them through extreme suffering and gruesome deaths makes you big mad, you’re not alone. Over 125 Spanish towns and cities and three autonomous Spanish regions have declared themselves against bullfighting. Also, due in part to global campaigns by PETA and other animal rights groups, most people around the world oppose abusing and slaughtering bulls for entertainment. 😊

The Running of the Bulls can’t stay afloat if tourists don’t show up. But some travel companies are still fueling the event, supporting the suffering and deaths of dozens of bulls each year. We can take action to change this. When these companies see how many of us oppose the event, they’ll be way more likely to make the smart public relations move to stop selling tickets.

Please help us prevent bulls from enduring prolonged and painful deaths. Send a polite e-mail to Philip Ross, owner of PJ Ross & Associates, at [email protected] to urge the business to stop selling tickets for and promoting the Running of the Bulls. Then, use the form below to urge other travel companies to do the same.

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