Minks Suffer for Fur Lashes—Tell Lilly Lashes to Stop Profiting From Their Misery

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ICYMI, fur is out and most people wouldn’t be caught dead wearing it. But while it’s easy to spot and avoid most products made of fur, other ones may catch you by surprise. Case in point: false eyelashes made of mink fur, still sold by companies like Lilly Lashes. 😡

Fur Farms’ Cruelty

Minks are shy animals who thrive in their vast natural habitats, with plenty of space to climb, swim, and search for food. But PETA’s undercover investigations into fur farms have found that these cruel facilities keep minks in cramped wire cages that are often caked with waste. The horrible conditions push the animals to the brink, causing them to frantically circle and harm themselves. They also frequently suffer from untreated infections, wounds, and other illnesses and injuries.

After making minks’ lives miserable, farmers kill them, often using the cheapest methods available—like gassing, electrocution, and breaking their necks—before peeling off their skin. 🤢 This is what Lilly Lashes is supporting by selling fur products.

How to Help Minks

Please help us push Lilly Lashes to ditch fur lashes immediately. Minks don’t deserve to live and die in agony just so a brand can make a buck. With so many gorgeous animal-free options available, the company could easily make the switch.

Lilly Lashes

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