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Mounting criticism of SeaWorld has pushed the company to make changes, including ending its orca-breeding program and no longer letting trainers stand on dolphins’ faces and backs in circus-style shows. But 18 orcas are still suffering at these abusement parks, and SeaWorld keeps breeding other dolphins and whales to churn out generations of prisoners.
SeaWorld sexually stimulates male dolphins and forcibly impregnates females with the sperm. 😨 Staffers sometimes even drug the female dolphins so they can’t fight back. This is not OK. Some animals go through this sick process over and over, only for their babies to die or be separated from them and sent to other SeaWorld parks.
In their ocean homes, bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales have large social networks, choose their own mates, and swim free. But SeaWorld uses them as breeding machines, keeps them in tiny tanks, and forces them to perform for humans. 😢 This teaches the wrong, speciesist lesson that humans should be able to deny animals nearly everything that’s natural and important to them just for our entertainment.

SeaWorld’s exploitation of animals can’t go on. The company must stop breeding all dolphins and whales and let them live in seaside sanctuaries. For an orca formerly held in a tank, a place where they could thrive in a large area of the ocean while still getting care from humans would be clutch.
Help give animals at SeaWorld the glow-up they deserve. ❤️
Please send a polite e-mail to SeaWorld's CEO:
Marc Swanson, CEO
[email protected]
Then, urge others at SeaWorld to end its use of animals, stop breeding all dolphins and whales, and relocate them to seaside sanctuaries.