Urge JCPenney to Ban Cruel Glue Traps

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Glue traps are small, sticky boards that not only kill animals but also cause them to suffer in excruciating ways. JCPenney knows this—so why is the company still using them?

Mice, rats, birds, lizards, and even some companion animals are small enough to get stuck on glue traps. They can get their fur, feathers, and skin torn off as they thrash around trying to escape—some even chew off their own limbs. 😨

If they can’t break free, they could live in agony for days before dying of blood loss, exhaustion, starvation, or dehydration. Some animals get their faces stuck on the glue and suffocate to death. Imagine how painful and terrifying it would be to die this way. 😢

As if these reasons weren’t enough to stop someone from using glue traps, animals pee and poop while caught on them, possibly spreading dangerous pathogens. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns not to use them for this specific reason. These nightmarish devices are seriously terrible for everybody.

If you aren’t already a mice and rat stan, get ready to fall head over heels. Mice sing love songs to woo romantic partners, and infant rats giggle while enjoying playful tickling. 😍 🐭 Both mice and rats are super-social and will go hard to help others in distress. How could we not respect these amazing animals?

Mice and rats don’t deserve to experience panicked deaths just because JCPenney is trying to keep its storefronts clean. (And it’s not working—remember the pee-and-poop bit? 🙄

Target, CVS, Dollar General, and Walgreens have banned the sale of glue traps, and hundreds of other businesses have stopped using them.

JCPenney needs to join the pack—please demand that it immediately stop using these cruel devices.

JC Penney

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