Urge KFC to Put Vegan Chicken on the Menu

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Wouldn’t it be awesome to pop into KFC for some “finger lickin’ good” vegan chicken? With more and more fast-food restaurants now offering vegan options, it’s time KFC caught up.

Chickens killed for KFC go through extreme pain, and it’s happening rn. In the two minutes it takes you to read this page, over 34,000 chickens will be slaughtered by the meat industry just to end up on someone’s plate.

Defenseless chickens’ bones frequently break because their legs can’t support the weight of their bodies, which are deliberately bred to be top-heavy. The birds also sustain injuries when workers grab them and stuff them into crates and when they’re shackled upside down at slaughterhouses, where many are scalded to death. 😨

Investigations have found KFC workers tearing birds apart, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, stomping on them, and throwing them against walls—all while the chickens were still conscious. Oh, btw, this was at a former KFC “Supplier of the Year” slaughterhouse. 🤦 Imagine how messed-up the other slaughterhouses were.

By offering vegan options, KFC would be sparing countless animals this kind of abuse and making serious dough by attracting new, compassionate customers. And it’s not as though the chain has no idea how to do this—it tested vegan Beyond Fried Chicken at locations across the country in 2022 but didn’t make it a permanent item.

KFC needs to know that there are many kind people who would love seeing vegan chicken on the menu. 😋

Please urge the company to get with the times and start offering vegan chicken.

Yum Brands- KFC

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