Students in California: Help Prevent Animals From Being Dissected!

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Have you been asked to dissect an animal in science class and been unsure of what to do? Maybe you wanted a non-animal option but your teacher didn’t give you one? Getting the Compassionate Learning Advancements for Science Students (CLASS) Act (Assembly Bill 2640) passed would be a huge win for kind students like you. It would support classrooms in becoming more inclusive and trauma-informed and would help prevent the needless, agonizing deaths of countless animals each year! 🙌

Recently introduced by Assembly Member Ash Kalra (D-San Jose), the CLASS Act is endorsed by PETA, Social Compassion in Legislation, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine—and it’s fr a game-changer. 😲

The CLASS Act would require teachers in California to let students know about the sourcing and environmental implications of animal dissection and their right to choose a non-animal replacement. The bill has passed the Assembly and is now heading to the Senate. If the bill is passed, you’d no longer have to carry the burden of possibly being excluded from the group for opting out of animal dissection. 😎 👏 🔥

Dissecting animals costs a lot of money, exposes students and educators to toxic chemicals, and hurts the environment. 😩 Each year in the U.S., about 10 million animals are used for dissection. Frogs are taken from their natural habitats (which messes with ecosystems), fetal piglets are cut from their mother’s wombs, and cats who end up on dissection trays could be lost animal companions. 🐸🐷🐱😢 Other animals are often drowned or suffocated. 😨

The CLASS Act would help prevent these deaths, as more students like you would have the opportunity to align their ethics with their actions in the classroom. And the W’s don’t stop here. 😏 According to a systematic review in The American Biology Teacher, studies show that students who use non-animal methods perform as well as, if not better than, those who dissect animals. These methods—like eMind digital dissection software and synthetic dissectible models—also cut costs and reduce waste. 🥳💸💚

Representatives need to know that you support this lifesaving bill. Use the form below to urge them to vote yes on AB 2640!

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