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New footage from a PETA Asia investigation into the Thai exotic-skins industry shows workers keeping thousands of snakes confined and then bashing them over the head with hammers and impaling them with hooks while they’re still moving. 😨 🐍The two python farms that investigators visited supply skins to a tannery called Caravel, which is owned by Kering—the parent company of Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, and other fashion brands.
PETA Asia also visited a facility where workers stabbed crocodiles with a metal blade and peeled off their skin as the animals continued to move—just to make bags, shoes, belts, and other accessories that could easily be made with vegan materials. 😢 🐊
Kering is supporting the suffering and deaths of sentient beings as long as it lets its brands sell exotic skins.
Watch this vid, and then use the form below to speak up for animals. ❤️
Sick Pythons, Filthy Living Conditions
In nature, pythons warm themselves in the sun, climb trees, swim, and explore huge ranges. On two python farms visited by PETA Asia—Closed-Cycle Breeding International (CCBI) and Sisatchanalai Python Farm—workers kept snakes in small barren boxes and cages, some of which were filled with feces. 😟

During a tour of Sisatchanalai Python Farm, the owner’s son (who owns CCBI) showed one of the investigators an emaciated snake, saying that the reptile likely “didn’t eat for a long time” and that “they should get rid of it … it’s better to kill.” He added that another snake who hadn’t shed properly—which made their scales get stuck to their eyes—should be killed.

The owner of Sisatchanalai Python Farm told an investigator that he sells skins to Gucci and Louis Vuitton as well as to Caravel.
Pythons Bashed With Hammers, Impaled on Hooks
The investigators recorded workers pinning down struggling pythons by the neck, bashing them over the head with a hammer, and driving metal hooks through their heads. 😰 Workers even inflate the snakes with water to make their skins easier to remove—even though the snakes continued to move during the process. Dr. Clifford Warwick, a reptile expert who saw the vid, confirmed that most of the animals were prob conscious during this excruciating process. 😭 Then the snakes were skinned.

CCBI’s owner told an investigator about Caravel’s contract for the farm to supply 5,000 skins in 2024.

Kering’s Complicity in Snakes’ Suffering
Even though there’s indisputable proof of abuse at facilities that supply Kering with exotic skins—like PETA Asia’s 2021 investigation into an Indonesian slaughterhouse that provides Gucci with lizard skins—the company keeps hyping its Animal Welfare Standards, which say that animals must have “room to move around freely” and be “managed to promote health and treated immediately should disease or injury be discovered.” 😑 The standards also require “humane handling at [the] end of life.” If it sounds like Kering’s claims of upholding these standards are total B.S., you’re right—PETA Asia’s investigations proved they were false. 🙃
Workers Stabbed Crocodiles, Skinned Them Alive
PETA Asia investigators also visited Phokkathara Crocodile Farm and Live Show in Thailand, where the owner claimed to have 4,000 crocodiles. Instead of being free to explore swamps, sun themselves, and raise their young as they would in nature, these reptiles are kept in murky water pits. 😒
A worker used a shady “nape stab” method to kill a crocodile, trying to sever the spinal cord by stabbing the reptile with a metal blade and likely causing extreme pain and a slow, agonizing death. This animal’s legs kept moving for at least 23 minutes after the worker thrust the blade into their neck. 😤
Help Make a Difference for Snakes and Crocodiles Right Now!
Please don’t support this suffering—never buy anything made of animals’ skins. 🙅 With so many eco-friendly vegan materials available today, there’s no legit excuse for wearing or selling exotic skins.
Urge Kering to stop selling anything made of the skins of pythons or other animals through Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, and all its other brands. 🚨