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GreaterGood is the world’s biggest “click to give” website where folks can “shop their values” and make donations to benefit “people, pets, and the planet.” 🧑 🐶 🌎 But if that’s the goal, then why tf is this retailer still selling sheep’s wool, alpaca wool, and silk? 🤦️ The production of these materials is super-harmful to animals and the planet—so please urge GreaterGood to stop selling them!
What’s So Bad About Sheep’s Wool, Alpaca Wool, and Silk?
© Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals
Like all animals, sheep and alpacas can feel pain, fear, and loneliness. So how do the sheep’s wool and alpaca wool industries treat these gentle individuals? 🤔 PETA exposés show sheep being mutilated, abused, and even skinned alive, and a PETA undercover investigation revealed workers hitting, kicking, and mutilating pregnant, crying alpacas in Peru. 😨 🐑 🦙 Some of the alpacas vomited in fear as they were pinned down and grabbed by their ears. Even when sheep and alpacas aren’t physically harmed during shearing, the stress of being unable to escape is hella traumatic for them. 😰
Besides being extremely cruel, these industries are straight-up destructive to the environment. 😠 Sheep produce a lot of a potent greenhouse gas called methane—only cows produce more than them. According to the Higg Materials Sustainability Index, alpaca wool is the second most environmentally damaging material. 🤯 Plus, raising and exploiting these animals causes serious pollution to the land, air, and water.
Then there’s silk, which is the fiber that silkworms weave to make cocoons. To get it, humans boil or gas the worms alive inside their cocoons—or leave hundreds of caterpillars to starve to death for every cocoon of “peace silk” produced. 😱 Silkworms may look different from humans, but they have central nervous systems and brains, just like us. 🥺
How You Can Help
We can 100% serve looks without harming sheep, alpacas, silkworms, or any other animals. 💁 ❤️ After hearing from PETA’s legal team, GreaterGood removed misleading “humane” descriptions on its website about items made from sheep’s wool, alpaca wool, or silk. But the company will only honor the truth that every animal is someone when it stops selling these items. Please urge it to ditch them stat! 💪