Frankie the Monkey Has Been Caged Alone in a Retail Store for Over a Decade

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In his natural habitat, Frankie the capuchin monkey would live in a large fam group and he and the others would race together through the tall canopies of a vast rainforest. šŸ’ ā¤ļø But Pet Stop in Kansas keeps him alone in a cage in the middle of its retail store. šŸ˜Ø

Because Frankieā€™s forced to live in solitary confinement, he canā€™t participate in his natural behavior as a member of a large social group. šŸ˜¢ By caging and displaying him, Pet Stop is treating him like a decoration, which is a straight-up example of speciesismā€”the belief that other animals are inferior to us.

But Frankie has a major chance for a better lifeā€”an accredited sanctuary can accept him! šŸ˜² Pet Stop can give him his best opportunity to experience everything natural and important to him by sending him to this sanctuary, and you can help make that happen. šŸ˜‡

Please politely urge Pet Stop to send Frankie to the sanctuary, where he can get excellent veterinary care and live among a large social group in a bigger, more naturalistic setting.

Pet Stop Inc.

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