Animals Kicked, Stomped On, and Hit on ‘Humane’ Farms

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Update (September 12, 2024): The Humane Society of the United States continues to defend the Global Animal Partnership. See PETA’s response here.

Does kicking gentle turkeys …

… throwing them violently …

… and forcing animals to live packed on top of each other with no room to turn around, lie down, or do anything natural or important to them …

… look “humane” to you?

Anyone with eyes, a heart, and a brain would say no. PETA investigators who have worked at “humane” meat farms witnessed the above abuses and more. Animals were left to suffer without food or water while packed into hot trailers, and workers threw turkeys at each other as if they were playing a game. Other incidents of cruelty to animals also took place. And guess what? These farms were certified by the Global Animal Partnership, an organization that’s betraying animals. It’s the group behind the signs you see in Whole Foods stores’ meat departments that have catchphrases like “enriched environment” or “treated humanely.” These signs tell lies.

Who Supports the Global Animal Partnership?

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of the United States, and Compassion in World Farming partner with the Global Animal Partnership, and their representatives sit on its board of directors. The groups tell consumers these certified farms are “humane”. 😡

Crowding, Suffering, and Death Exposed at ‘Humane’ Pork Supplier

Sweet Stem Farm’s page on Whole Foods’ website characterizes the business as a “sustainable farming oasis.” 🤔

However, the pigs observed by our investigator there never got to touch lush green grass. They spent almost all their time crammed into sheds on concrete floors. The only time they were ever outside was when they were trucked from one shed to another, put on a scale to be weighed, or sent to slaughter.

Turkeys Stomped On, Punched, and Left to Die at ‘Humane’ Farms

Another PETA investigator worked at Plainville Farms, which claimed to produce “humane” turkeys in a “stress-free environment.” The truth? The Plainville Farms employees punched, kicked, stomped on, and slapped the turkeys. One worker hit them with a heavy metal rod. Workers tried to break the birds’ necks by picking them up by the head and shaking them up and down before finally tossing them aside. The turkeys convulsed and were left to die in agony. 😱

Crew leaders did nothing to stop the violence. One of them—who kicked turkeys himself—encouraged workers to kick and throw the birds.

These ‘Humane’ Groups Should Be Ashamed

Even after PETA investigations revealed abuse at 12 certified farms—which resulted in 141 counts of cruelty to animals against a dozen former Plainville Farms workers and several convictions—representatives of these “humane” organizations still sit on the Global Animal Partnership’s board of directors.

The Global Animal Partnership uses these groups’ status as its partners to keep lying to consumers who care about animals.

Help Stop This Cruelty!

There’s no such thing as “humane” meat, eggs, or dairy.

Urge the ASPCA, the Humane Society of the United States, and Compassion in World Farming to resign from the Global Animal Partnership’s board of directors stat and end their affiliation with the group.

And please get your fam and friends to take action as well!

Stop Endorsing G.A.P. and the Suffering it Endorses

I just saw video footage recorded by PETA of obvious and illegal cruelty at 12 farms that were certified as “humane” by the Global Animal Partnership.

That group’s standards allow for enormous animal suffering. The Global Animal Partnership could never ensure that 400 million animals per year are treated humanely, and we bet none of them are.

This program allows companies to market their factory-farmed products to caring consumers deceptively—with your organization’s approval. Please immediately remove your endorsement of this hideous cruelty by resigning from this fraud’s board of directors and ending your role as a “partner.”

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