Dunkin’ Needs to Drop the Upcharge for Vegan Milk—Act Now!

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Huge news: After a relentless PETA campaign, Starbucks—the largest coffee chain in the world—stopped charging extra for vegan milk! 🥳 This victory shows that speaking up for animals works, and we need your help again to convince Dunkin’ to do the same.

Cows are smart animals with diverse personalities—each individual cow might be bold, shy, friendly, or bossy. But the dairy industry treats these complex animals like machines by forcibly impregnating them, kidnapping their babies, and sending them to slaughter once they can’t produce as much milk. 😢 The production of dairy also greatly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water scarcity.

Every vegan milk upcharge prioritizes $$$ over animals, the planet, and customers’ health.

Charging more for non-dairy options discriminates against lactose-intolerant or otherwise dairy-free customers and punishes those choosing to make ethical and healthy choices. 😠

We know that pushing companies to make the right decision def pays off. It’s time for Dunkin’ to follow Starbucks’ lead and reward customers—not penalize them—for opting out of dairy. Please act now to help cows avoid suffering in the dairy industry and get cheaper non-dairy drinks!


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