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Sorry, but why is anyone still pretending that a groundhog can predict the weather??
For over 100 years, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club has exploited a live groundhog and, for about 50 years, has held one captive so that it can treat him as an amusing living toy and drag him out on February 2—when he’d naturally be in hibernation—to pretend that he’s giving a weather forecast. 🤦 News flash: Punxsutawney Phil isn’t a meteorologist and didn’t ask for this job! It’s time to let him go.
While there’s obvi no scientific evidence whatsoever that groundhogs can accurately predict the weather ahead, their real-life abilities are mind-blowing. They’re skilled swimmers, diggers, and climbers and create complex, multichambered burrows with separate “bathrooms.” 🤯 Phil can’t do any of those things in captivity.
These shy animals want to live in peace, not in Plexiglass containers in libraries where they can’t do anything natural and important to them. 😟 Forcing Phil to be a random guess forecaster held hostage is just as pointless as cruel. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club needs to relocate Phil and his fam—the three other groundhogs they confine in the library—to a reputable sanctuary where they could burrow, dig, hibernate, and enjoy a natural life.
Please help us urge the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to switch to animal-free entertainment!